Completed Internal Design Review

/ April 4th, 2010 / Comments Off on Completed Internal Design Review

This week we completed our first internal design review of our performance simulation product.  This product simulates the terminals, platforms, networks and servcies associated with wireless networks.  It generality has caused us to rename the product from a land-mobile SATCOM network simulator (LMSNS) to the Wireless Network Simulator (WiNS).  At the core of the product is a very gerneric multiport linear system link calculator.  This engine calculates the power spectral density at all of the terminal receivers across the wireless network taking into account the spatial, spectral , and temporal aspects of the system.  By addressing these aspects within the common framework of WiNS, users can determine the interference spectrum, link signal-to-noise/interference ratios, terminal power requirements, and examine the spectral characteristics of the system.  This flexible, generic framework means that WiNS can simulate satellite systems, wireless terrestrial systems, or hybrid systems.  It can simulator homogenous or heterogeneous networks, and determine their cross-system impacts.   This can be paticularly usefull for those interested in interference calcualtions, licensing studies, cross-system coordination studies, system performance and capacity studies (particularly with many mobile terminals or many basestations or satellites).  Soon we expect to have a version of this product ready for release, and we are excited to meet with those who have expressed interest in a tool with these capabilities.

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